Of course this Blog had a life before this. Here’s a snippet from a reliable netsource that captures the essence of what it was that this is but before.
“It [Kimmo’s Blog] brewed into existence in the afterglow of the dotcom-boom, fueled by a burning need for a web presence. In the era when Blogs weren’t the object of belittlement of every other Real Journalist, it showed the world the ultimate pinnacle of webjournalism. When Blogs slowly assimilated people and readers, Kimmo’s Blog was a refreshing place of mis-information and beguile when the (Finnish) blogosphere was inundated with petty gender-issue rivalries, politically motivated self-promotion and downright sophism!”
-a professional, objective opinion
Kimmo’s Blog 1.0 entries:
From 2. August 2005 to 10. September 2006
From 24. March 2005 to 2. August 2005
From 17. October 2004 to 22. March 2005
From 25. May 2004 to 10. November 2004
From 11. February 2004 to 20. May 2004
From 22. November 2003 to 10. January 2004
From 31. August 2003 to 19. November 2003
From 13. July 2003 to 28. August 2003
From 28. February 2003 to 10. July 2003