Release: Goldwingu: Means to End v.0.38

If you blink, you’ll miss out. I took a few steps back, cut away things that I wasn’t satisfied with and started over with the enemies. As a result, I think Goldwingu is a more solid whole. Have a go: Goldwingu v.038 [10.3MB]

In this and previous version:

  • Added Statistics and Options pages.
    • Options for cutting the jump sequence, turning the inertia movement on/off and making the pixel placement smoother than the resolution.
  • Added focus (default ‘s’) function that slows the game66%.
  • GUI is now uniformly all pixels.
  • 11 enemies.
    • Enemies are unlocked by escaping alive and embiggening the compound score.
  • Normal, super shots and missiles. Upgrades to shots only. Missiles are awarded for chains.
  • All kinds of other things.